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Alabama Urban Forestry Association Update

Established in 1989, the Alabama Urban Forestry Association (AUFA), is a committed leader in arboriculture and urban forestry. AUFA promotes proper selection, planting and tree care, tree protection and other tree issues in the urban setting.

The AUFA has been really busy in the past few months with large Arbor Day Foundation tree plantings in […]

Riparian Grant Gives Funding For Planting Trees at the Lagoon Park Trail

On Saturday, January 6, 2018, 31 volunteers planted 75 baldcypress trees along the Lagoon Park Trail in Montgomery. These volunteers worked a combined 82 and a half hours and represented five groups: Montgomery Trees, Cub Scout Pack 4, Boy Scout Troop 13, Boy Scout Troop 4, and Boy Scout Troop 307. The trees were […]