Join Montgomery Trees on Saturday, February 17 from 10:00am to 12:00pm at Ida Belle Young Park Pavilion, located at 5400 Vaughn Road in Montgomery, for our TENTH Annual Seedling Giveaway. Look for the FREE TREES sign on Vaughn Road!
We will have several Alabama Power vehicles onsite for the kids to play on, as well as drawings for free t-shirts and any other festivities we can come up with!
Seedlings this year are limited, so please make sure to arrive early for the best selection. Each visitor is limited to three (3) seedlings.
This event is rain or shine or cold or wind or all of the above.
Tree species offered this year:
“The Baldcypress tree is the classic tree of southern swamps. There, in its native habitat, it displays a peculiar habit of raising conical “knees” from its roots. The function of these growths is something of a mystery, although some believe it is a way to help the roots get oxygen. This tree dwells in swamps because it out-competes most other trees on such sites.” – Arbor Day Foundation
Learn more about the Baldcypress
“Each spring, Chickasaw plum trees are covered with clusters of tiny, fragrant, white flowers. The flowers bloom on the previous year’s wood and are especially dramatic since they appear before the trees puts out new leaves.
Then the small fruits appear, turning from red to yellow as they ripen. The tart plums can be eaten fresh or turned into tasty jelly, and they’re also enjoyed by wildlife.” – University of Florida Gardening Solutions
Learn more about the Chickasaw Plum
“The crepe myrtles are among the most satisfactory of plants for the South: showy summer flowers, attractive bark, and (in many cases) brilliant fall color make them year-round garden performers. Long, cool autumns yield the best leaf display; sudden frosts following warm, humid fall weather often freeze leaves while they’re still green, ruining the show.” – Southern Living
Learn more about the Crape Myrtle
“Attractive when tightly clipped into a tall screen or allowed to grow naturally into its single-trunked, small tree form, Dahoon Holly is ideal for a variety of landscape settings. Capable of reaching 40 feet in height, Dahoon Holly is usually seen at a height of 20 to 30 feet with an 8 to 12-foot spread. The smooth, supple, shiny dark green, evergreen leaves, two to three inches long, have just a few serrations near the tip” – University of Florida IFAS Extension
Learn more about the Dahoon Holly
“Native east of the Mississippi River and hardy in zones 4-8, Quercus palustris, or pin oak, is a large full, ovate shaped tree. With a growth rate of 24 inches or more per year, it is one of the faster growing oak trees. Tolerant of wet soils, pin oak trees usually grow 60-80 feet high and 25-40 feet wide – though in the right soil conditions (moist, rich, acidic soil), pin oaks have been known to grow over 100 feet tall.” –
“Known as the harbinger of spring, the eastern redbud’s delicate blossoms and buds are one of the season’s most dramatic displays. But this tree’s beauty doesn’t end with its flowery show. Unique and irregular branching patterns combine with a trunk that commonly divides close to the ground to create a very handsome, spreading and often flat-topped crown. Even in winter, covered with snow, the eastern redbud is stunning.” – Arbor Day Foundation
“Red maple is one of the best named of all trees, featuring something red in each of the seasons—buds in winter, flowers in spring, leafstalks in summer, and brilliant foliage in autumn. This pageant of color, along with the red maple’s relatively fast growth and tolerance to a wide range of soils, makes it a widely planted favorite.” – Arbor Day Foundation
Learn more about the Red Maple
“Small to medium tree with a broadly spreading crown. Trunks to 6 inches in diameter… Bark nearly black, furrowed. Leaves temperate semi-deciduous, dark green above, pale beneath, about 1/2-1 1/2 inches long.” –