FREE April Workshop

What’s Eating My Tree?!

WHEN: Thursday, April 03 12:00 – 1:00pm
WHERE: Alabama Forestry Commission at 513 Madison Avenue

What do you do when your trees and landscape get sick? Is it bugs? Or is it some kind of disease? What do you do to treat it?

Dr. Scott Enebak will discuss how to recognize and treat pests and diseases that affect our landscapes. His program will focus on the new invasive problems we will be facing, including emerald ash borer, laurel wilt, and thousand cankers disease.

Dr. Enebak is the foremost expert on these problems in Alabama. Do not miss this opportunity to talk to THE expert on what’s eating your tree.

This meeting will be held at the Alabama Forestry Commission conference room located on first floor at 513 Madison Ave, from 12 – 1 pm. Feel free to bring your lunch!

This course is free and open to the public. Parking is available in back of the building.

For more information, please contact Russell Stringer: